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What are some Buddhist temples I should visit?

I dream of traveling the world someday and visiting the most famous houses of worship I can find. Cathedrals, Synagogues, Mosques, and of course a variety of temples and shrines. I myself am pretty agnostic towards all religions but I can't help being fascinated by them. The gorgeous art, spiritual contemplation and philosophy of world religions are usually displayed very well in some houses of worship. For example, the Sistine Chapel is filled with Michelangelo's paintings of the Biblical stories and as a result tells the onlooker of central Christian themes in stunning detail.

So I've been looking for Buddhist counterparts but it seems there are too many to pick from! So perhaps asking some actual Buddhists what their favorites are I can narrow them down a bit. Of course I wish I could visit them all but I not incredibly wealthy or have hundreds of years to spare. So considering artistic beauty and visual depictions of Buddhist themes, what are a few I should visit?

submitted by /u/nilsamurai
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from Buddhism https://ift.tt/2QfqaSl
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