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🌷The Last Lesson on Impermanence🌷

~The actual event of how Kyabje Getse Rinpoche entered Parinirvana.

《This text is to quell the rumor on Rinpoche's decease is due to a car accident)》

On 18th Nov (10th of tenth month of Tibetan calendar), Rinpoche was making preparation to leave the mountain the next day and planned to stay a night in Adzom Monastery and Kathok Bairoling Monastery. On that evening, Rinpoche half jokingly chatted with his two attendant lamas - Lama Konphel and Lama Guru about impermanence, and so he said:"If I were to die tomorrow, it might be difficult for both of you to prepare the wood, I think you better buy some oil, cremate me on the mountain over there." He instructed them clearly on how the funeral should be prepared.

Then on the 19th Nov (11th of tenth month of Tibetan calendar) approximately 10.30am, as wished by Rinpoche himself, attendant lama Konphel accompany Rinpoche to take a stroll towards Azdom Monastery. Suddenly, Rinpoche walked towards a road with dangerous condition, the lama immediately tried to stop him by shouting :"Rinpoche don't go there, there's no road over there!" Rinpoche responded by chiding him :"You still have very strong attachment on this physical body!" And kept walking by himself, he very soon fell down and showed parinirvana. That was around 11.30am.

The account above is based on the joint statement in Tibetan version and collected audio recording.

Regards, Tenzin Weigyal (translated to English by Oliver as requested by the writer)

🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 《最後的一堂無常課》


11月18日(藏曆十月十日)那天,由於隔天要下山,於是法王稍作準備,並法王計畫在從蓮師聖地揚列雪關房到首都加德滿都的途中,於噶陀安宗寺和噶陀毘廬林寺分別住宿。當天傍晚,法王對著兩位隨侍弟子:空培喇嘛(Lama Konphel)和古如喇嘛(Lama Guru)兩人以半開完笑的口吻談論人生無常之際,說道:「我明天死掉的話,你們兩個要取得木柴可能不容易,我看你們就買些油,在山上那頭把我火化掉吧。」如此這般,清楚地交代了後事。



勝光 合十

submitted by /u/Spicy-Rooster
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