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Some questions about your dreams


I once asked on AVEN (asexuality.org) how non-binary vs. cis vs. trans people dreamed and what their bodies look like in their dreams and there seems to be some differences, I'm curious about you guys. I am unsure as to whether I am non-binary, agender or female.

I have been asking these questions on many different subreddits to compare.

I dream in an unusual way, as I dream of myself in 3rd person (I see my body in 3rd person like I am watching myself in a movie). Occasionally I swap between 1st and 3rd person at will. I always know I am dreaming.

Here are some questions, I will reply to them below:

  1. Do you know you are dreaming during your dreams?
  2. What POV/perspective do you dream on? (first person, third person, other persons POV, not present/ feels like watching a movie, alternate between perspectives, etc...)
  3. Do you feel any physical sensations in your dreams?
  4. Are your dreams usually realistic or surreal?
  5. Do you have "super powers" in your dreams? (ie flying, breathing underwater, invulnerability, etc...)
  6. Is your dream body different from your real one? If so, how so?
  7. Do you have any dreams where you start out as yourself (or someone else) then swap into someone else's body and see the body you were before through their eyes, then swap back again, and so on, and do you ever see sometimes both people at the same time in 3rd person? Do you alternate between controlling either?
  8. Do you control your actions in your dreams? Do you have any degree of control over your dreams?
  9. How fast does time go by in your dreams? Is it like waking life, faster, or like a movie?
  10. What is your sexual orientation and gender identity? (I think this manifests itself in dreams)

My answers:

  1. I always know I am dreaming.
  2. Usually 3rd person (I see myself from outside of my body while still controlling it), sometimes 1st person, occasionally alternate, rarely I am not present and I am just an observer and I remember having at least once "possessed" another person's body and controlled them.
  3. No, I don't feel anything.
  4. They are quite surreal.
  5. Yes, I can fly/float in the air sometimes, breathe underwater and I am usually invulnerable. I can also rewind and change the future sometimes and change the scene when the dream takes a turn I don't like.
  6. Usually my body is the same, but I dream of myself often in the body of other women, in a male body, in the body of some videogame character, as a fictional character or actor, some animal, etc... I often alternate in the same dream.
  7. Not that I remember. When I swap bodies my body usually disappears.
  8. I can control my actions fully, and the environment to a degree.
  9. In my dreams time seems to go by faster than normal. My dreams are usually long and lots of things happen. I can fill 2+ pages just with keywords when I wake up (I keep a dream journal and when I wake up I just write down the keywords to help me remember)
  10. Female, hetero-romantic asexual.

What are your experiences? I think it would be interesting to compare.

submitted by /u/SilenceOnTheWire
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