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My Reminders / Mantras. What's Yours?

I use the numbers 0 through 10 as reminders and exploration.. What I relate to these sometimes changes. I think about 0, 1, 2, 3 all the time usually in sequence frequently throughout the day while I'm doing stuff. These have been expanding for about 14 years.

Short versions -

0 - Relax, space, nothing, stillness, peace, relax, I know nothing, nothing matters that much

1 - Breathe

2 - Feel body, senses, notice things around me

3 - Smile, gratitude

doing the above I can do while I'm working or doing anything, kinda my mantra. The following aren't necessarily in order and are when I'm taking time to meditate or reflect / explore. Some are prioritizing the things to actually do.

4- the future (practical stuff, mostly near future)

5- Health / Exercise

6- Knowledge (Lately Reddit / Internet exploration, videos on spirituality, psychology, documentaries)

7- Love, all kinds

8- Infinite, ANYTHING can happen

9- Sex, intimacy, touch

10- Death, endings, loss

I have a picture of these numbers I have printed and all over my life, they also include these two symbols..

~ Money (Got kids, gotta have it in the priorities somewhere lol)

  • Brain Chemistry (Caffeine / Vitamins / natural supplements / mood lifters)
submitted by /u/cheebs7777
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from Buddhism https://ift.tt/2QhLBRW
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