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If attachment leads to suffering, why are some people inclined to be in a relationship with an S.O./partner/spouse?

First of all, I decided to ask Buddhists because I want to know from Buddhists's point of view regarding this post. I'm sorry if this is the wrong subreddit to post this. (Please do tell me if it is.)

On relationship-related subreddits, I always find people having problems with their S.O., even so far as breaking up. What intrigues me is that other redditors keep saying, "You'll find the right person for you someday." Or the variations.

Why not say: "This is a life lesson and experience for you. You are now free from the clutches of the toxic wrong person in your life. Use this opportunity to heal yourself by doing single-person activities, hanging out with family or friends, etc." Why not say that instead?

Also, the more people keep saying, "You'll find the right person for you someday." the more I feel that those words lose value and responsibility over time. I mean, it totally depends on person A's social environment and interaction exposure to how many people there are in his life, in order for person A to be able to find his true S.O.. What if person A has an extremely busy job which drastically limits his free time to socialize with people outside of work-related conversations? This is just one example I thought up of the many possible cases in life.

Having experienced bad relationships in the past, now I find my lone self peaceful, not having to live up to anyone's standards or drain my energy in working on a false committed relationship. Rather than being committed to the wrong S.O. to whom I must give my attention (talk with, care for, etc.) every day but will some day break up, I would prefer having friends with no strings attached, who I can care and being cared for on psychological level.

This does not mean I'm anti-relationship. I just don't want to waste anymore of my life time building a relationship with immature manchildren, neither do I want to feel anguish if I do break up with the wrong S.O.. If I happen to find a true mature gentlemen in my life, then I would gladly commit to a relationship with him. But alas, the number of manchildren far exceeds the number of true mature gentlemen on the Earth, that it's becoming harder to find them.

submitted by /u/surveyingsociety
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