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Meditation Gives You Superpowers

Several years ago, Jon Massmann attempted suicide. At the advice of his therapist, he decided to try meditation. Against the advice of his therapist, he decided to dive in head first with a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat. These 10 days changed everything for Jon.

Meditation literally saved Jon’s life. It also transformed him into an entirely new person. With a new outlook, Jon is currently traveling around the world learning about different styles of Buddhism, while simultaneously writing his book “The Skeptics Guide to Liberation”.

In this episode, Jon explains some aspects of buddhism and meditation. He deconstructed how meditation can be used as part of eastern medicine in coping with depression. Jon also shared his past experiences and how meditation became an important aspect of his life.

Check out the clip here on youtube. The iTunes and Spotify links contain his entire interview on The Mental Architect. Great stuff.

Youtube | iTunes | Spotify

submitted by /u/GlitteringPapaya
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from Buddhism https://ift.tt/2OCuIN6
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