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Meditation experience, insight needed

I don't know if this is the correct subreddit to post this in but I didn't get any responses in the 'meditation' subreddit...

12 days ago I attempted my first deep meditation/hyponosis 'experience'. I have mediated only a few time in the past but never experienced anything like I did this past time. Within about 5 minutes my body had the most odd sensation and it is almost impossible to describe in words so stick with me... My body felt like it was 1000x larger but incredibly light and I could not tell where my body began or stopped either but it was this sense of incredible expansion. Then there is this feeling on my front torso and arms that it feels like this massive sphere is on my body, but it isnt heavy, it's actually weightless in a way but i can feel my body somewhat wrapping to the cirvlinar lines of this large but formless sphere... (this is really hard to decribe well because each sensation contradicts each other some how?!)

Lastly, even though i felt incredibly relaxed and calm, my heart was pounding out of my chest during this experience. I did not feel anxious but it was pounding like I had just sprinted a mile. Is this normal while mediating? I only post this inquiry in this subreddit as from what I know Buddhism is deeply involved in meditation practices.

Has anyone else here ever experienced this or heard of anything similar? Any insight is greatly appreciated, thank you.

submitted by /u/Peppy1111
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