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Masturbation, porn and the 3rd precept.

Hi all,

Yesterday I posted the following to the NoFap sub:

'Damn it!!!

Just broke a 9 day streak.... 25 days being my record.

One of the main reasons I'm doing this is because of my Buddhist practice. I meditate on a daily basis, multiple times per day, but when I'm fapping regularly all motivation goes out the window if taken to excess.

I also follow the 5 precepts, with refraining from sexual misconduct being one of them. I don't know if watching porn goes against that because I'm not harming anyone, only myself? Does that mean I'm breaking the precept? I feel it does.

I might start to implement the mediation on the 32 parts which make up the human body. Blood, bones, puss etc. This is supposed to eventually destroy the illusion we have on the body being beautiful when in reality it's not.

Anyone had any success with this? This could be the wrong sub to bring this up but perhaps a different approach on Nofap could help.'

It didn't receive alot of attention or advice, although I am grateful for the replies I did get.

Any thoughts? Has anyone used the meditations of the 32 parts of the body to success?

Most of the time I don't want to masturbate because I enjoy it, it's more a need to release some energy. I've been successful (not always) in seeing uncomfortable feelings/thoughts through to the end by being aware of them and not forcing them to go away. But the only one I can't seem to get my head around is the pent up aggitation? restlessness? you get when you refrain from masturbation.

Manys Thanks.

submitted by /u/SleepSleepZZZ
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