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Manual of Insight says that moral shamelessness and moral fearlessness get reduced as you progress. It states that they are overcome in the 4th Stage of Enlightenment. Can you confirm it? Do this moral shame and fear keep getting stronger after Arhatship?

Where did I read it

I was reading "Appendix 4: Uprooting Defilements" of Manual of Insight by Mahasi Sayadaw. It's a table stating the defilements in the Stages of Enlightenment.

I also read

I ended up finding out that the book refers to 2 pali terms. Moral shame is hiri, and moral fear is ottappa.

So I read this article The Guardians of the World by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

And the short, clear and practical Hiri and Ottappa Sutta.

submitted by /u/eesposito
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