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How to React to Harm in Accordance with the Dharma

In Bodhicharyavatara it is mentioned that “in the past, I gave such harm to other sentient beings, therefore sentient beings harming me is worthwhile. It is worthwhile for me to receive this harm.”

When others are harming you—even fleas biting you, even a mosquito biting you, ants biting you, bees stinging, others getting angry at you, abusing you—you see that whatever happens, there is always a reason. The reason is you harmed others first. So you can understand, by remembering why it happens, remember the reason, so then you can think, “It is worthwhile that I received [the harm].”

Usually what we do is think, “I’m perfect, the most perfect, never wrong, others are wrong.” You blame others. Then somebody harms, abuses you, somebody looks at you bad, somebody says something bad, and you harm back, you crush them, you disintegrate them, whatever you can do, immediately. It is like this. “There is nothing wrong me. I’m perfect. Others are wrong.” …

This is not an educated person’s action. It is not an educated person’s personality. No, [it is the action of] an uneducated person, same as a tiger, a dog; if somebody harms you, then you bite back, the same. Somebody harms you, so you harm back. That is animal character. You understand? It is not wise. But this is how normally we do.

The reason [you receive harm] is that in the past you cheated or you abused others in that way. You abused others in that way, so then this time it happens to you. This person, why this person abuses you? Why? It is because in the past you abused this person in that way. Even if a flea is biting you, it is the same. So everything is the same.

So the great bodhisattva Shantideva said, “It is worthwhile that I receive harm from others this time.” It is worthwhile.

Then, it is mentioned, “My karma persuaded, then I received this harm. By that, didn’t I lose that sentient being in the hole of the hell?”

So, it means in the past you gave harm. Then because of that, your karma persuaded the person, and the result is that that person is harming you. That happens from that cause—you harmed the person in the past so in this life you are harmed by this person.

Now the person harming you is in the human world. But because of that harm, it makes the person not be in the human realm in the future but to reincarnate and fall down into the hole of the hell, the hell realm.

Thinking of that is a way of generating compassion. Instead of getting angry and harming back, you generate compassion, the root of happiness for yourself and all sentient beings. To generate compassion back is very important.

Generate compassion. When other sentient beings abuse you, whatever harm they do to you, use that to generate compassion.

  • From Lama Zopa Teachings
submitted by /u/Barkadion
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