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Hello, I’m new to this subreddit

For the past four years I have been interested in Buddhism but have only understood it at a basic level. Is there any resources available where I can learn more.

Edit: ^ that is main question.

I meditate a decent amount, sometimes every day for a week. Recently I’ve tried this new form of meditation instead of trying to keep my mind clear, I tried to use what would be my prefrontal cortex (me) to focus on what I was thinking about. I noticed my active memory didn’t have a lot of space. I’ve never heard of this type of meditation but afterward to it felt amazing to let my mind go free or even just meditate on nothing. I’m wondering If anyone has has experienced this.

Finally I wasn’t not too sure what i thought about karma. I’m still not sure but someone explained it as simply the energy that results from an action. That would make sense to me as nature at many levels mimics the ever action has a opposite reaction law.

Thanks I can’t wait to be apart of this community

submitted by /u/aitak82
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