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There is no nirvana

Hi everyone! A little background about myself:

Been learning the dhamma for about 3 years. I'm an atheist and a skeptic, and so I approach all of Buddhism under the stereotypical "American/humanist/skeptic" lens, as in, I love meditation, the benefits, the humanistic compassion, etc. I just can't believe in things that have no evidence or confirmation, such as reincarnation. That doesn't mean Buddhism is still not great.

Anyway, I'm here because I have a simple question:

The Buddha said that everything, all of existence, is subject to change. I get that, it seems to be absolutely accurate.

But then there's ONE STATE, nirvana, where suffering ceases.

I don't think that's possible. See, even if nirvana was true ... why couldn't it eventually, even after eons and eons, change into delusion and ignorance again, starting the whole chain of suffering again?

So of course, I see a benefit to stopping suffering in the NOW by not "building" more formations of mental states that cause suffering. However, I don't see how, in an ultimate, absolute sense, you can guarantee no FUTURE suffering after nirvana.

Would love to hear anyone's thoughts on this. Thanks!

submitted by /u/ThinkAllTheTime
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