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I briefly experienced enlightenment, I don't think I liked it?

Granted this experience was on 550ug LSD and I know a lot of you may dismiss this as the real thing but either way I will talk about my experience.

Briefly, I was in a state of pure bliss, It was like I was under an umbrella of pure love. I think life is meant to be shared so I quickly turned to my keyboard to write down what I was experiencing, and nothing was coming to my mind.

For me to want to speak, means I want to be heard, means I am not content in the present. This feels selfish, I want my friends to experience what I was feeling!

Granted while that aspect tickled me the wrong way, the experience was incredible. Only when you truly have nothing to say, are you fully listening. I think we should all experience that at some point.

submitted by /u/attherose
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