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Classic Buddhism VS. Theravada, Mahyana and Vajrayana and how does the west interpret buddhism compared to the east?

Hey all, so as far as I understand, there was some sort of classical buddhism before Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana, is that (classic buddhism) still alive or is classic buddhism one of these: Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana?

And also, what are the differences between the western way to look at buddhism and the eastern way to look at buddhism? I can imagine that we in the west tend to look more at buddhism like some sort of a logical "atheistical" system, where we are not bound to one specific god, because the god is within. Do you have any input here? Would really love to hear your thoughts on this!

Also, I wish you all a wonderful day, stay mindful!

submitted by /u/ganeshaganesha
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