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Two Quotes To Ponder

Browsing the internet tonight I happened upon two quotes regarding Buddhism that really turned on a bulb in my mind, so to speak. This and this, specifically. Some new level of understanding clicked as the second one initially hit me. We are like someone sleepwalking, enwrapped within their own mind, stuck in the stories that we are spinning behind our eyes as we take each step forward. We—the I, the Self—are just relections of all that's around us. It is the story we tell ourselves. When we can see the Buddha in even that drunk homeless man that you might drive by on the street—for he too fears violence and instinctly wants love and compassion like all beings—then we can be free. To see ourselves in everyone and every sentient being around you.

submitted by /u/GingerRoot96
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from Buddhism https://ift.tt/2DWKGki
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