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Suggestion for materials for college Buddhist club?

Hello everyone, I finally got approval for a school sponsored Sangha in a town with no Buddhist service, so it's going to be cool. We are not specified as one form of Buddhism or another, so this question is really for anyone. I was wondering if you all had suggestions for texts (especially), meditation materials (i.e. pillows). Just stuff that will make this a safe and welcoming environment for students, we have a lot of new people coming into it interested with the Dharma and want to make sure their experience is safe.

I will be donating my personal collection of text: Freedom in Exile (Dalai Lama), Buddhism (Smith & Novak), Siddartha (Hesse), Being Peace (Thich Nhat Hanh), The Great Awakening (Loy), eehh I am blanking on the rest. A copy of the Dharmapada. Book of the Dead. I was also gifted the Sangha Starter kit by the Thich Nhat Hanh foundation, so that was so nice and I am grateful. We have a singing bowl, a few collection of lectures on tape, Happiness, The Mindfulness Survival Kit & Joyfully Together. Texts & really anything you think would be good would be helpful, I am zen Buddhist who follows Thich Nhat Hanh and Roshi Joan Halifax, so my collection is pretty centered on that, but we have Buddhist students from many sects and I want to ensure that have access to those resources. I also don't want anyone to feel Zen is the form of Buddhism that is right, or exclusively welcomed in the space. I want them to find a path that works for them.

Also suggestions on activities would be cool!

Thank you all so much in advance.

submitted by /u/lhgr0
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