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Are conservatives welcome in Buddhist sanghas?

I'm a conservative and most of the individuals that I know who practice Buddhism are quite left-leaning. Personally, my core beliefs are as follows:

  • I believe that the free-market is best and most efficient way of allocating society's resources
  • I believe in freedom of speech, and also believe that it includes the freedom to offend
  • I view transgenderism as nonsensical because it is inevitably at odds with biological reality
  • I believe that borders are necessary and that foreigners who don't respect them ought to be arrested and deported without sympathy or second thought, including refugees
  • I am in favour of the death penalty for murderers, rapists, pedophiles and traitors
  • I don't believe that all cultures are equal or that they deserve to be equally respected
  • I believe that abortion is essentially murder, and cannot be morally justified unless it threatens the life of the mother
  • While I don't mind homosexuals living as they choose, I don't believe in legally compelling others into accepting their choices or funding their "pride parades"
  • I believe that the notion of "White privilege" is a myth and that blaming the variety of problems present in non-White communities on racism actually exacerbates them
  • I believe that since the Islamic religion is inherently hateful and violent, restricting (and possibly even wholly barring) migrants from Muslim-majority nations is entirely reasonable
  • I believe that the courts must treat everyone equally, regardless of race or socioeconomic status
  • I believe that justice and restitution to the victim must always comes before the rehabilitation of the criminal
  • I believe in a culture of self-responsibility, where neither one's bad choices or circumstances make them entitled to the wealth of another
  • I believe in a nation's right to a well-funded and well-trained military in order to protect it from threats both internal and external
  • I believe that workplaces should hire and promote based on merit and not on state-mandated "equity quotas"

Obviously, I'm well aware that some of these viewpoints might trigger individuals with left-wing views. However, I'm wondering if there any sanghas that would accept someone like me anyways?

submitted by /u/YurMeister
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