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Amitābha's Sukhāvatī & the "Lotus Vault World"

What is the relation of sukhāvatī to the 蓮華藏莊嚴世界海 (the lotus's vault, the perfected lokadhātu, the ocean) attested to in the Buddhāvataṃsakanāmamahāyānasūtra T279 & Saddharmapuṇḍarīkanāmamahāyānasūtra T262, wherein arahantaḥ, according to the Mahāyāna as attested to in aforementioned scriptures, perfect Buddhahood?


Inquiry: in the arhat’s past lives the causes and conditions for being subject to embodiment necessarily ought to have been eradicated, [in light of this] they dwell where to perfect buddhahood?
答曰: 得阿羅漢時,三界諸漏因緣盡,更不復生三界。有淨佛土,
Response: when attaining arhatship, the three realms’ myriad outflows’ causes and conditions are exhausted, there is no more birth again in the three realms. There is a pure buddha land,
出於三界,乃至無煩惱之名,於 是國土佛所,聞法華經,具足佛道。
beyond the three realms, where not even the word affliction has a name, in this kingdom of the Buddha, they hear the dharma flower sūtra [i.e. the Lotus Sūtra], with this they perfect buddhahood.
As in the dharma flower sūtra’s words: "There are arhantaḥ[,] for example[, who’ve] not heard the dharma flower sūtra,
themselves they call [’]ones who have attained cessation[’]; I in another realm for them speak this matter, you all shall become samyaksaṁbuddhāḥ."

(Mahāprajñāpāramitōpadeśaḥ T1509.714a9)

Furthermore, this pure land, what relation does it have to ākaniṣṭaghanavyūha?

submitted by /u/Coemgenu
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