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Self-Discipline or Compassion Needed? Advice on skillful living please...

Hello, all. I'd like to say that I consider you my virtual sangha, and so that's why I'm turning to you all for advice. I'll try to keep this short: I'm struggling with how and when to apply compassion or self-discipline in a skillful manner.

I have a job that I dislike. There's nothing wrong with the job, except that it's customer service. I want to quit, but since I started meditating I have become aware of certain patterns. After one year, or two at the most, at any job I hold, I will get the unshakable urge to quit. This is not me quitting jobs I like, on the contrary, I have never really held a job I like because I find interacting with other humans difficult. It's always a relief to quit and have a few weeks of silence before I have to return to the working world to eat and pay rent. Strangely enough, the 'easiest' job I ever had was an emergency dispatcher because there was a rote formula to each interaction, and helping people was purposeful... But office drama destroyed that job for me. I was naturally shy and reclusive, and was bullied. I digress.

I want to quit and take a job with much less human interaction. It would be a small pay bump, too. So in those aspects it seems like an obvious good. But it would continue my pattern of dropping jobs after a year or two. It would also be withdrawing from human interaction, which I'm uncertain is beneficial to someone like myself with reclusive tendencies.

Points I Am Also Considering:

  1. It's fine not to find a long-term job, or to take a while to find a job one can stand long-term, so I shouldn't 'force' myself to do anything that makes me miserable and stressed.

  2. Some people are naturally shy or socially awkward and they shouldn't have to try and be something they aren't.

  3. I should stay, because working jobs continuously shows maturity and reliability.

  4. The new job might very well be just as unbearable after a year or two, and then I will be right back at this exact spot with the urge to quit again for a few weeks of relief.

I have sat with this problem a few times, and I'm no closer to finding a solution. There are so many points to consider, and I honestly don't know which ones are more valid than the others. I feel utterly unskillful. Perhaps someone here can offer insight? Thank you kindly in advance.

submitted by /u/raggedroyal
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