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The idea of stop eating meat because of the suffering of animals brings me a question

So, let's forget about the subject of being vegan or not, I wish to use it only as an example.

This is what I wondering: If I stop eating meat, I will stop causing suffering to another living beings, but not really. I know for a fact that in my lifetime those animals I won't eat will still live and die in horrible conditions.

So, I'm helping with a little change in the world, which is good (sidenote: I notice that if I do this, it is also because of my ego) , but in the meantime things will still be really bad for chickens, pigs and cows.

So, if I really do care about the suffering of others, going vegan shouldn't be enough. I should be actively trying to help those animals, right?

And this could apply to many other situations. But I guess I could make my question like this: what good does to the world me being good, if I do nothing to stop evil practices?

I mean, I know I help this world just with being a good person and helping those I can. But it just doesn't seem enough, I'm not being active in stopping evil.

It's not like I wanna become Batman or be part of a PETA commando. I know we can't do much about many many situations in reality.

Should it be my concern when another being is suffering? Should I feel good with my actions even when I'm not actually doing anything to stop the suffering going on right now? Should I just focus on doing my small part and ignore everything else? Many more questions come to my mind as I write this.

I just would like to know what are your thoughts.

submitted by /u/r4tzt4r
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