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Dual cultivation of Pureland and Chan

Dear friends,

This method of Pureland-Chan dual cultivation has very deep roots and I opened a subreddit for special investigation with the help of everyone here hopefully. I'm not going to promote the subreddit but I compiled quite a bit on this Pureland-Chan dual cultivation which you can read in its wiki page here: http://reddit.com/r/ChanPureLand/wiki/index

It's in the works and tbh it's too big of a task for me alone to handle as I'm not extremely well-versed in it. I'm going to need as much help as possible from well-versed practitioners.

But it has been my main cultivation practice for many reasons, some of which are:

  • Buddha praised the Avalokitesvara dharma door of turning the hearing inwards as the most suitable method of stream-entry for beings in the Milky Way (saha world) in the Surangama sutra. This turning of hearing is also used in the Pureland-Chan method.

  • Avalokitesvara has another Dharma Prince (above 8th bhumi) next to him in Amitabha's Sukhavati Pureland called Great Strength Bodhisattva. This bodhisattva gained stream entry entirely through Mindfulness of the Buddha.

  • Many Chan masters have also praised the Mind-Only Pureland method and continuously advocate for its use for a very stable and reliable method of entry.

  • It has an obvious link to Deity/Guru Yoga found in Vajrayana, with very similar resemblances.

  • Many Chan Patriarchs have talked about the Pureland method, including Bodhidharma and Hui-Neng.

  • Yin-kuang, the first patriarch of the Pureland school was also an advocate of this dual approach of Chan and Pureland. Later, Yongming Yanshou, a later patriarch, fiercely advocated the combined approach, saying that they were one single approach, not two.

Many other reasons but you can see why this dharma door really warrants some attention. I'm not talking about purely a pureland approach, but what is known as chan-jing-shuang-xiu, which is the dual, combined, simultaneous cultivation of both the Chan method (non-abiding awareness) and Pureland.

Hope people can give their thoughts on this or share some good resources.

submitted by /u/RealDharma
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