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Can a Buddhist defend oneself?

Hey all hoping no matter where you are your happy and living a fulfilling life.

I have one question for you today and I mean It as a general question not using It as a excuse for violence.

Is It Ok for a Buddhist/Laymen or not possibly a Monk to Injure someone else In order to protect others or himself even a animal?

Now I know our greatest teacher and role model. Buddha says Violence Is morally wrong most of the time If not at all. And I also know one of the main points Is to refrain as much as humanly possible from Injurying/Harming/Killing anything little thing from a Ant to a bluewhale.

Anything from an Ant to a Bluewhale.

But I have always understood this as whenever you weren't directly In trouble or If your not actually In a situation where violence Is necessary for survival. Walking away or running away from danger Is the Buddhist motto.

Nothing say we can't sprint It In a moment of danger. So legging It (running) Is a really good option I heard. I once and probably take up Martial Arts again but only for sport and If I ever need it and can't run away from a threat It Is morally justified.

More on this I heard alot Monks maybe know In Tibetan Buddhism traditional use various martial arts Kung Fu for example as fitness and to grow spiritually in body and mind and If they can't run away from a fight I think they are allowed to do some serious damage to the threat.

And In the early traditions Monks avoided arguments confrontations of possible violence and when the Monks were under threat they fought.

And I always thought It's good to walk away but In case of war It looks cowardly. For Instance I once heard someone say you can't really be a Buddhist as kill or go to war. But If we don't go to war for the right reasons thousands of people could die.

For example Hitler using this weird logic avoid fighting even in wars at all well you might just let someone Invade your country and rape everyone and slave you does It sound peaceful?

So doing absolutely nothing doesn't defend freedom or honour of yourself or others keep that In mind. So that logic means we should just let terrorist's bomb and murder people?

Should we have let the Nazi's Murder Rape and torture and conquer everywhere. Where they hated religion/philosophy Hitler was opposed to most of the world's religions so he'd probably call for the death of millions of Buddbist's aswell.

I don't see how the do abosolutely nothing approach and avoid wars altogether does anything. It allows people to take advantage and commit war crimes.

I'm talking about realism here doing nothing could you killed or thousands of Innocent people killed. In that sense then Rapists and Murders would never face justice they'd never go to court if someone threatens to murder and torture your family they'd not get punished?

The do absolutely nothing method Is Idiotic or cowardly.

I believe arguments wars and violence should be avoided just not banned completely. We know policing and forcing people to do things Is against free speech and free will.

So Is defending yourself when nothing else Is working morally wrong? From a Buddhist point of view.

I followbthe Therevada Tradition I just know that we are to avoid violence and causing harm when necessary.

Any thoughts and opinions and answers?

So Paccifism and running away from a fight seem a good option.

submitted by /u/ProjectNivarnaxxx
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