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Importance of Meditation length?

This may be r/meditation material but I'm looking more for the Buddhist perspective. This also isn't a debate on consistency vs. Meditation length because I think that is pretty clear (consistency > length). But for this question let's keep consistency constant.

Sone Buddhism books I've read say in the beginning shorter is okay (10-20 minutes) but after that you should aim for longer (30 or more) and some even say aim for 60 minutes.

However, I've been meditating off and on for about 8 years and I rarely have a 30 minute meditation. I enjoy when I do/am able to, but often times my brain "gives up" after 15 to 20 minutes. Am I hindering my progress?

Quick info about my practice if it's pertinent: had about 55% of days with a session since 2011 and meditated about 550 hours total, with an avg of 16 minutes per meditation (I've used a meditation app that tracks).

submitted by /u/Stopbeingsolazyshit
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