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When I was younger I sufferd from depression and suicidle thoughts because seeing abuse happening to someone close and losing a family member to suicide. At the same time I was taking hormonal medicine to get rid of my acne. This medicine also made me verry tired and down so all in all, the worst time of my life.

I could get proffesional help but I never did. Because I was following the teachings of the Buddha and I knew going to a psychiatrist would get me someone who would convince me the ego excists and focus on self development.

So I kept meditating and got myself out of several situations wich made me down. In the end I was scared deeply but healing. Now a few years down the road I have never been happier and found tranquility in my life. Buddhism really gave me the tools to pull myself out of mindstates and simply let other things be as they are. I've learned to let go.

But now for my question:

What do you guys think that people like me should do? Still go to the psychiatrist or are there options for Buddhists to find help somewhere, with someone looking from our point of view on ego? (Selflessness etc.)

submitted by /u/TheOx80
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