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I've been interested in a temporary stay in a monastery for a while. Where to start?

For the last few years, "I should go stay with some monks in the Himalayas" has basicslly been my healthy alternative to "I should just kill myself" whenever life gets ubcomfortable for me.

Recently I'm realizing I'm really not happy where I am. I've lived in the same medicore midwestern US city my whole life. I had gotten attached to the idea of making a scary move across the country to a city I really liked the idea of with 2 girls - 1 of which I was basically in love with - but that was kind of doomed to fail from the start so now I'm just back to my boring life with no plan and I feel like I need at least 3 months to a year of no distractions, lots of discipline for my mind and body, and just time to meditate and live healthier.

Most people would probably argue I could do all that without moving but I'm not hardworking enough, especially not when distractions are readily available.

I know it's not like TV though. I cant just show up at a monastery begging them to take me on. I've started to research Monasteries (mostly in Nepal but maybe some in Tibet). I guess I'm curious if there's a standard for how these things go. A lot of them seem to have websites explaining their prerequisites for you applying. But like what all do you take? Does it usually cost money or just donations or? Do some monasteries offer martial arts training for beginners?

Do I HAVE to be well versed in Buddhism? I've always liked the idea of Buddhism but I don't practice any religion. I'd obviously learn whatever they needed me to so I didn't offend anyone and would gladly partake in the basic customs but idk.

Anything else I'm not considering or should know? I really just want to refocus my mind and body and come back to the US at some unspecified point in time with a refreshed outlook and energy. (Or not at all if I REALLY like it.)

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/hypes11
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